

Merge & swipe tags and categories

  1. apkplay

    Hello, I feel ability to combine/merge tags and categories with each other, built-in WordPress function would be very useful.

    Many newbies often don't use tags and categories in a right way, so after some time they end up with a lot of same meaning tags and categories.
    That's bad for user experience and site navigation, plus adds up additional information to database and makes site heavier.

    There isn't even a third-party plugin that can combine tags with tags or tags with categories, there are just few plugins which does no longer work or doesn't do it in a accurate and good way, creating even more mess.

    I think that would be great addition to WordPress and would save a lot of time to many bloggers.

    Thanks for attention :)

    Posted: 1 day ago #
  2. techpritam

    Yes, I completely agree with apk play. I also feel the ability to combine/merge tags and categories with each other, built-in WordPress function would be very useful.

    Posted: 19 hours ago #

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