

Built in tags (or categories) for media files.

  1. Rami Yushuvaev


    Built in tags (or categories) for media files.

    Posted: 7 years ago #
  2. Covi


    Mmm..., since an attachment is a children of a post with tags, I think this is not necessary. Anyway, since 2.9 u have a lot of Post Types.

    And..., searching in Codex, I found this; maybe resolve your request:

    register_taxonomy_for_object_type('post_tag', 'attachment'); along with:
    add_post_type_support('attachment', 'custom-fields');

    I don't know exactly the method for metaboxes, but I'm sure is in the Codex ;)

    Posted: 7 years ago #
  3. kchayka

    Post types don't do anything when using WP as a CMS. Being able to organize media in a CMS environment is so important, and has always been a serious deficiency in WP.

    This really needs to be addressed. People have been asking for it for eons. Please, WP, do more than just take it under consideration!

    Media Manager must be able to either provide tag and filtering mechanisms, or allow subdirectories where files can be organized by something other than date.

    Posted: 7 years ago #
  4. Covi


    Post Types don't do anything when using WP as a CMS

    oO?, I'm using WP on all of my sites as CMS.

    Post Types are all in a WP CMS system, and the function register_post_type() is great to do it. I don't know what's the exact relation between "media files only" and CMS, in contrast of the relation between "content type" and CMS.

    As I see it, Post Types customize the way that your content type works with system, this is the 100% of your CMS. You can get: pages, news, media, galleries, ...books, flowers, products ...wiki articles, user pages, forum topics...; and all of these types may have a lot of combinations (tags, archive, search, editor, hierarchy...).

    I don't care too, but, IMHO, I keep thinking that it's not necessary.

    Posted: 7 years ago #
  5. Mark / t31os


    I think some form of additional categorization for media is needed(not just filtering by type), users have been dying for ways to organize their media better. If we could have taxonomies attached to media i'd also hope the media screens could be updated to allow taxonomy based sorting/filtering.

    This is a great idea, and one i'd love to see(and i don't use a great deal of media), it would just be nice to group/categorize media items.

    I don't think this specifically needs to be categories or tags for media, but taxonomy support for media, after all, users are bound to have different ideas about how that taxonomy and it's terms should be named.

    Posted: 7 years ago #
  6. Rami Yushuvaev


    thank you mark, for summarizing the request so delicately.

    Posted: 7 years ago #
  7. Donna McMaster


    I have been using NextGen gallery, not for presentation but for organizing photos into galleries. The Media Tags plug-in is another good option for this. But I would love even more to have this organizing ability built in to WordPress. Custom taxonomies for media seems to be a very simple and robust solution.

    Posted: 7 years ago #
  8. Rami Yushuvaev


    Ok, since WordPress 3.5 we can do this using:

    register_taxonomy( 'media-category', 'attachment', $args );

    Posted: 5 years ago #
  9. Uffe Fey


    Custom taxonomies for attachments (media) is a good start. Now we just need built-in support for filtering media using those taxonomies. Both in the regular list of media and when inserting/uploading/selecting media into a post.

    It's not too hard to do the first part yourself using hooks, but last time I checked there wasn't any easy way to do the latter. If anyone knows the magic required to do that, please share.

    Posted: 4 years ago #
  10. Ellen Hopkins

    Why not support for both tags and categories? Good idea.

    Posted: 4 years ago #

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