

Add folder management in Media Library

  1. foamshrimpdesigns


    There isn't a decent plugin to allow to create folders within the media library. As they are just catergories that you can add.

    I think WP would be beneficial with a folder management system with the media library to help organise files in the library.

    Simply when you click add new, a drop down menu will appear asking if you want to add new files or folder. Add new folder and then what ever files you have already in your media library you can drag it into that folder or click the file and allocate it a folder in the right hand sidebar section.

    Just be easier for us and clients to be able to find files easier within their media library.

    Posted: 2 years ago #
  2. Jam Viet


    It's will be a big innovation, and wordpress can hand it easily !

    i think user should has separate folder in media is better !

    Posted: 2 years ago #
  3. Clarion Technologies


    Yes, definitely I would like to suggest to consider this idea to provide a possible way to categorize media elements, for ease of maintaining & managing media elements.

    Posted: 2 years ago #
  4. blavoulondon

    Yes 100% Folder management would be awesome, we have so many folders for different area's that this would definitely help.

    Also something similar for categorising posts into sections although this is a story for another topic.

    Posted: 2 years ago #
  5. Angelika Reisiger


    Yes please, consider this structural improvement, please. It could be so easy, see Joomla!, right click "build new folder", drag and draw image/s into this folder.

    It should not be a plugin (although unfortunately there is not one plugin for folders in plugins repository), this should be a core feature.

    Posted: 2 years ago #
  6. Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)
    Lead Plugin Wrangler

    Actually it's not easy because of (historically) how WordPress was built.

    Joomla and Drupal were built originally as site management tools. WordPress was built to be a blog. That means, from the original perspective, WP was being very logical in saving images per month. This let you know what images were from when and also ensured you wouldn't run over the issues with too many files in a folder.

    Fast forward a decade and the landscape has changed.

    Changing this in WordPress without breaking existing sites is incredibly complex. And that's the thing. If we didn't care about breaking a site when someone flips a switch (say) to stop organizing images in yyyy/mm folders, then it would be easy. But we do care. We care deeply.

    There are many plugins that attempt to resolve this issue (like https://wordpress.org/plugins/media-library-plus/ just to pull one at random). The reason there are so many is that there isn't one perfect way yet.

    If someone comes up with a show killer, maybe core might adopt it. At the same time, WordPress strongly leans towards decisions and not options, and this is very much an 'option' category.

    Posted: 2 years ago #
  7. Angelika Reisiger


    Dear Mika,
    thank you for the clarification. I understand now why it would not be easy, and I really appreciate the "non breaking strategy" of WordPress development/developers.

    I searched and tested many plugins of the wordpress.org repository, but I could not find one working plugin for folders. Also the media library plus plugin only works with galleries.

    However, it's crazy. Today I found one in codecanyon.net. And this seems to be the show killer that you mentioned. It does not break the urls. There is a live demo, please see yourself:

    So, for the moment, I am happy with this. Whenever the author will stop the support (and with it the updates), it will not break the website (I hope so, I will test this).

    Posted: 2 years ago #
  8. Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)
    Lead Plugin Wrangler

    Without seeing the code, I can't evaluate it.

    I don't know if it works in all setups, like Multisite and beyond, or if you move the wp-content folder or a million other very common WP tweaks :/

    I'm sure it works for any standard, single instance of WordPress. But WP can't do just that anymore. Which really sucks.

    Posted: 2 years ago #
  9. carostuttgart


    Folders would be awsome - or even tags and the possibility to search for it would be great. I mean WP is a cms, there is a possibility to group an tag posts, but not to do the same for media files :(

    i will test the codecanyon one and cross fingers to see this somewhen in WP core :)

    Posted: 2 years ago #
  10. Mr Apteka

    It's great idea. Cool

    Posted: 2 years ago #

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